SGC are very proud to announce their involvement in SP Energy Network's 2015 submission, seeking funding from Ofgem's Network Innovation Competition.  Following SGC's original proposition and development of the concept of the evolution from DNO to DSO we have been working closely with the innovation team in leading the bid creation.

Project EVOLUTION is a £6.8m project that will create and demonstrate primary elements of a Distribution System Operator (DSO) model.  It will implement local system balancing through innovative commercial and technical mechanisms under a Grid Supply Point (GSP).

EVOLUTION will explore the wider issues around market coordination, and the affect, upon national system balancing and settlements and address the markets' structural issues with trying to use the legacy of centralised control to manage an ever more distributed infrastructure.

The key objectives of EVOLUTION are to:
Using an inclusive market under a Grid Supply Point, link local renewable generation & demand to national balancing and settlement.
•  Demonstrate how the existing distribution network can be used to facilitate growth in smart grid technologies, demand side response services and flexible generation using market forces.
•  Establish mechanisms to ensure the TSO receives greater visibility of balancing actions taken by a DSO whilst still meeting their national balancing obligation

This has taken on particular relevance in recent weeks with National Grid's announcements of ambitious targets to grow demand side participation in order that it can provide >50% of system balancing by 2030. 

All NIC full written submissions must be completed and submitted before the end of July before progressing to assessment and presentations to an expert panel.  Final results of the successful projects receiving funding will be announced in early November.